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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Stratosphere System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-27 14:51:23 Views : 20121 Cheat : While playing a game, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: The codes may not be enabled in multi-player mode. @weasel weasel weasel - Win mission. @i want to lose now - Lose mission. @give me the rock - Extra rock. @more ore for less - Extra ore. @tecno freaks - Increase tech level. @i gotta see more - Larger radar view. @was that a mountain - Super mountain armor. @electrons are flowing - Extra energy. @whoosh by them all - Faster movement. @mister freeze says stop - CPU forts paused. @show me the resource - All floatstone increased by 50,000. @more green for me - Crystal increased by 50,000. @tall towers - Command Center size increased. @i got my xray spells - Radar is line of sight. @give me a closeup - Radar is zoomed in. @bam bam bam - Super shooting. @armored blue - Super shields. @i can see for miles and miles - Super observatory. @bombs may fall - Super projectile armor. @other forts may ram - Super fort armor. @rockets red glare - Super projectile damage. @baa ram eue - Super fort damage. @bandage me quick - Super repair. @build me a shake - Super build time. @now you see me - Super cloak. @no one can touch me - Super cocoon. @silver bullet - Super quicksilver. @lock on target - Super targeting station. @home on the range - Super range booster. @where's the beef? - Super cow. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Stratosphere cheat codes.
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